Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Unions again.

The more I think of union mentality, it doesn't deviate much from the old protection racket in many immigrant communities.  The big difference is it has been made legal, placed on automatic withdrawal and tax deductable.  Here's how it works:
"Ya wants to work here?"
"Then we are gonna protect ya.  Ya give us 50 bucks a month and we make sure nobody messes with ya."
"Nobody's messing wit me now."
"Yeah, dat's cuz yas a new kid.  Dat's ok, ya gots thirty days to think it over.  Make sure ya don't do anything stupid, cuz you could get hurt or lose y'alls job.  Understand?"
After 30 days, the new worker finds his car vandalized in the parking lot, his tools messed with, his acceptance in the work force denied, or subtle pressure from union co-workers.
"We hear ya's been having trouble in your job.  We want to help ya.  Sign up wit the union and you'll never miss the dues cuz they be taken out each month and you get a tax break.  Besides, when ya's one of us, we got your back."
"Where do I sign?  And you promise to leave me alone, and protect my back?"
"Hey, what are friends for?"
They don't have to make the rounds each month to collect, the guy gets a tax break, the management takes care of all the paperwork, and everyone's happy, except the guy's wife who misses the 50 bucks in her grocery budget each month.

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