Thursday, January 14, 2010

Politics 2

I have been disturbed lately that we no longer have a system of checks and balances. It used to be that the Presidency was balanced by the Congress and they were checked by the Supreme Court. It seems we have drifted to the pits of a combined presidency and congress! How are we to have checks or balances when one branch strong arms the other to get their way. This is not a slam on the Democrats or Republicans, but both. Although the Democrats seem to be stronger armed in getting their way! In fact their tactics lead me to Politics 3.


  1. So that is the effect of one party controlling two branches. I would argue there have been presidents in the past that strongarmed congress even when they were different parties because of their popularity. Reagan was able to do it in the 80's.

    Line item veto would be a great check and balance. I just get sick of special interests and "hidden" legislation burried in bills that have zero to do with the actual bill.

  2. Line item veto only puts the power in one person. Too dangerous. The problem you identify is what needs to be fixed. No bill should have any amendments or attachments except the bill's intended purpose. A law to outlaw all hidden legislation would be better. Let each bill stand on its own merits and be accountable to the people.
